Date: Monday, April 8th, 2024
Time: 2:30 – 3:30 PM
Location: Classroom Patios (CH) and the Field (Elementary)

As you may have heard, North Carolina will be able to view a partial eclipse with the “maximum obscurement” reaching around 80%. We invite you to experience the wonder of this solar phenomenon at The New School’s Solar Eclipse Viewing Party!

This informal event will not only provide children with the opportunity to learn about eclipses and other cosmic phenomena but also allow them to experience one firsthand! Parents are welcome to join their children in their CH outdoor classroom areas or on the playing field for elementary students.

Here’s what you can expect:

Eclipse Viewing: Children will be able to safely observe the phenomenon with complimentary solar viewing glasses provided by our STEAM Committee. Parents are encouraged to bring their own eye protection if they wish to join.

Activities: Our students will enjoy eclipse-themed crafts, trivia, and more, including chalk art of the sun’s corona.

BBQ Fundraiser: What better way to celebrate an eclipse than indulging in some delicious barbecue! Organized by our Campus Improvement Committee, volunteers will be distributing plates from their BBQ Fundraiser from 11 AM to 2 PM. Information on how to purchase tickets and opportunities to earn volunteer hours by selling additional tickets to neighbors and friends will be provided shortly!

Bake Sale: As if BBQ wasn’t tempting enough, our Student Council will also be selling cookies throughout the event to raise money for their various initiatives!

For more information or questions, please email us at Let’s celebrate the magic of the cosmos together!

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Published On: March 31st, 2024Views: 696