[su_box title=”New Online Billing System and Portal” style=”soft” box_color=”#fefdfe” title_color=”#272f89″]We are very happy to announce the implementation of a new online invoicing system for the 2017 / 2018 academic year! Invoices will now be emailed to families as an attachment. However, printed copies of these invoices and statements will also be available.

Invoices will initially be emailed as a modified version of the current format, with the first page representing a summarized overview of the current monthly invoice, followed by the Excel sheet representing the cumulative information for the academic school year.

Each parent will also have access to a secure and private online portal where they will be able to see all current and prior invoices and statements along with a timeline of payments.

Once we have populated this data, parents will receive an invitation to sign up for their individualized billing portal. To view a sample portal, please request a temporary login and password from the school.

We will let parents know once this system is fully operational.